The Inverted Corner ///
A corner defines the convergence of non-parallel forms. Within every corner there are two distinct and often opposing conditions. A corner's interior tends to unify space, while a corner's exterior can divide space along its edge. What if the inside and outside of a corner suddenly switched roles, trading characteristics and functions? What stimuli might trigger a corner to dynamically invert on itself? How is the spatial relationship around a corner affected by this inversion? What mechanism might enable an interior corner to flip to the exterior and vice versa? How does this concept apply to different types of junctures? That happens when a corner inverts?
Participants are asked to consider different corners types, including walls, ceilings, roofs, landscape, etc. Submissions may be conceptual, technical, and/or artistic.
Top 6
Editor's Choice
Faizal Ilyas Omar
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Aleksandar Pavlović
Belgrade, Serbia
Lyndsay Milne McLeod
London, United Kingdom
Alexandru Predonu
Bucharest, Romania
Sadia Humayra Mounata
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dyah Arieni L
Surabaya, Indonesia
Matthew Carney
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ryan Edwards
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
M.Arch, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Firm: Helicon Design Group
Paul Sheaffer
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
B.Arch, Temple University
Firm: Stokes Architecture
Ufuk Uğurlar
Ankara, Turkey
Architecture, TED University
37 Entries from 22 Countries

Faizal Ilyas Omar
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
"An Escheresque manipulation of the corner. I like the idea of upsetting the corner while we are experiencing it, upending the conception of gravity and how it orients us. Any surface can be the ground and the corner is the switch."
"Points for cleverness. This entry simply conveys a concept, which succinctly responds to the brief."
"Using a cube as a visual base, shifts in perception create sudden changes the cube's corners. It is a very concise response in terms of the concept. The corners and surfaces invert suddenly, but it is all within the same environment. This includes two far away spaces, for example, up and down."

Aleksandar Pavlović
Belgrade, Serbia
"I love the simple graphic clarity of this image. The corner is redefined, but still appears exactly as we usually see it. It completely upends the concept of living space and the outside. This image is simultaneously pleasing and unsettling."

Lyndsay Milne McLeod
London, United Kingdom
"The corner is real and as we always experience it, and then the mirror completely disappears it and forces us to question the concept of perspective, visual reality, and how we exist within it. Meeting mirrors at a corner is the simplest way to make your head spin."
"Although perhaps not one of the most graphically engaging entries, this image is, upon closer inspection quite thought-provoking with regards to the brief and easily engages one's architectural sensibilities. However, it could be argued that this entry does not fully engage the inversion aspect of the brief."

Alexandru Predonu
Bucharest, Romania
"A graphically and architecturally interesting entry, which more or less successfully engages the inversive chord of the brief."

Sadia Humayra Mounata
Dhaka, Bangladesh
"This entry really helped looking at the concept different viewpoint. Despite the form of earth, it is caught within defining corners of dots. The inversion of every corner into the universe may load strong meaning. Being a star of earth like other stars in the cosmos can support it with strong graphics. In any time and place, being located at inverted corner and their differentiation attracts attention."

Dyah Arieni L
Surabaya, Indonesia
"Considering the opposite situations in the same manner for the inverted corner may carry the meaning. The rotation of the united part with different human figures like a corner can be an indicator what happened when the corner inverts. In this way the entry respond the subject concisely."

Matthew Carney
Amsterdam, Netherlands
""This entry deserves recognition for proposing a realistic mechanism that can control the properties of a corner. The graphics clearly depicts how the the corner panels might hinge and turn. It would be interesting to see this concept developed further to understand the spatial implications and practical applications."

Kreshna Patrian
Jakarta, Indonesia

Anna Hagen
Vienna, Austria

Andreas Lim Ming Rui

Wandy Witama
Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Andjela Brankovic
Belgrade, Serbia

Houzzam Farhat.tian
Damascus, Damascus, Syria

Simran Singh
Delhi, New Delhi, India

Stefan Vujić
Novi Sad, Serbia

Heinrich Rodatz
Bloomington, Indiana, United States

Francis Fontaine
Brooklyn, New York, United States

Shaunt Yemenjian
Fresno, California, United States

Maud Glasel
Paris, France

siDE Architects - Colin Chan / Jermaine Bunoan
Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR

Donka Dimitrova
Sofia, Bulgaria

Patrick McAndrews
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Devashree Choudhari
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Praharsh M. Pai Raikar
Panaji, Goa, India

Amir Hossein Hajizadeh
Tehran, Iran

Yena Suh
Port Washington, New York, United States

Irene García Aparicio
Burgos, Spain

Ayla Ayyildiz Potur
Kocaeli, Turkey
Pravekha Ravichandran
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Malhar Chawada
Mumbai, Maharastra, India

Mariadni Karachaliou
Volos Greece
Cader Yaasir
Rose Belle, Grand Port, Mauritius

Stewart Lore
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaunt Yemenjian
Fresno, California, United States

Laura Frias
Edinburgh Scotland